What does Sexual Assault Mean in a Dream

Sexual assault in a dream can be very nerve-wracking,  however, that you experience a form of sexual assault in a dream does not necessarily mean that you desire for such a traumatic event to occur,  or does it? So what does sexual assault mean in a dream?

In trying to understand the meaning of your dream of being raped, or harassed without your consent, you must know that dream meanings can be very complex.  to Mr A, they mean this, and to Mr B they mean an entirely different thing,  so do well to be able to differentiate between your dream and reality, they are not the same.

What does sexual assault mean in a dream

To dream of sexual abuse, or forceful sex without your consent can be very unnerving and disturbing upon waking, but sometimes, our dreams are just a reflection of our state of mind at a particular period, here we explore the implications of sexual assault in the dream.

Sexual urges

If you’re a man,  and you assaulted a woman sexually in the dream, this dream may just be projecting your need to be romantically and sexually involved with someone. Yes, this dream is a perverted expression of your urges,  and reflects what you want to do,  because you have found no one to do this with,  you’ve forcefully taken actions in your dream, not so deep is it?


Also, if a man is raping someone in a dream, or has a dream of being a rapist,  it portrays his yearning for power. He craves power, and also to be in control so much. You may be having these dreams if you are having difficulties being subordinate to your boss in the office.

You feel like if you take charge of the world and run it yourself,  you would do better than every other person,  but how can you be a good leader if you were a terrible subordinate?

Lack of control

If you are a woman being raped by a man in the dream, or you had a dream of being sexually assaulted without consent, it portrays your fears. For so long, you’ve felt like you do not deserve better,  and you’re in no control of how your life goes.  Sexual assault in dreams suggests the dreamer’s vulnerability and insecurity.

You’re not able to set some healthy boundaries for the people around you,  for fear of being judged, and now you’re stuck in a situation where you can’t even assert yourself. Your dream is a call for you to do what needs to be done,  if you’re going to lose people dear to you for a good reason, then so be it. Feeling more in control of your own life is the first step to self-confidence.


Your dream of sexual assault means that you feel frustrated because of certain aspects of your life. You’re feeling dominated and overpowered in those aspects.  This could be related to the situation at the office, or even in your relationship.

There are unresolved conflicts,  yes you may be frustrated, however, ignoring them could lead to you losing your mind. You need to sit down and begin to re-evaluate the things that are of proven importance to you, is it money or relationships, or growth,  pick a side!

Reliving Past Trauma

To dream of forceful rape without consent by a boyfriend or an ex-partner could be you relieving a past trauma that does not seem to go away. You feel like you’ve been violated in more ways than one,  it may not have been sexual,  however,  you feel threatened because they chose not to respect boundaries,  and now you’re feeling like you’ve been taken advantage of.

If you dream of being raped by a partner,  it suggests that you’re scared and you can barely find a safe space in your circle, and this includes your family. Being sexually assaulted by someone you know portends betrayal.

This dream foretells that someone you hold dear to you will be betraying you in more ways than you can think of,  it is better to follow everyone in your life now with wisdom, and keep certain sensitive details to yourself, because sharing is giving them that advantage over you.

Dream of being sexually assaulted by a Man

To dream of being sexually assaulted by a man suggests that you are harbouring feelings of neglect. You feel like as a woman you are not being treated equally and fairly like your male counterparts.

This dream reflects your feelings of anger about the natural way things go,  especially in the corporate world,  however, you can change this narrative by being everything that men will never be, which is a strong woman, this is what you will be recognized for. You do not have to be treated fairly and equally as men, you should strive to be treated better and differently as a person.


Dreams of sexual assault or sexual attack may come to you whenever you lack confidence in yourself,  or when you feel like someone else has the power to judge and hurt you or lie against you. Sometimes, you may even be the one hurting yourself with that unhealthy amount and method of self-criticism.

If you’re having to recur thoughts like these, then you should work on controlling your thoughts. If this seems impossible for you, then book a session with a therapist, and also make a conscious effort in reminding yourself that you’re more than what you think you are, build up your strength in tackling your sexual abuser or attacker in the dream if it happens again.

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