Dream of Being Tortured Meaning

If you happen to feel helpless in your life, and you’re experiencing something that’s out of your control, then your dream of being tortured is understandable.

Dream of being tortured meaning whichever way you’ll like to look at it, has to do with spiritual bondage, helplessness and even a difficult life or situation that you can’t seem to get out of.

Dream of Being Tortured Meaning.

To dream about being tortured portends a life of suffering. If you see yourself being tortured, and you can’t do anything, means that you’re feeling very helpless in a situation that you’re experiencing in your life, and you don’t feel like you can come out of it.

Here are some of the other dream of being tortured meaning:


If you see yourself being tortured in a dream, and you were not able to do anything about it. You have made some terrible decisions in life, and now you feel like you need to be punished for all that, you need to stop guilt-tripping yourself, because the past is the past, it does not have to determine your future.

Should in case you be the one torturing someone in the dream, your dream could represent the anger that you have built up over a certain situation or even a person. A very difficult situation has been keeping you bound in one place, and you haven’t seen the solution to your problems, so the aggression you’re feeling is being portrayed in the dream of torturing someone.

Spiritual Bondage

If we look at the spiritual angle, the spiritual meaning of being tortured in the dream symbolizes spiritual bondage. As a child of God, seeing yourself being tortured in a dream suggests that you have been held down by evil hands.

The enemy is set to put you down, and the effect of the torture in the dream is made manifest in the dreamers waking life through setbacks, poverty, stagnancy and even sickness that doesn’t seem to go. It is a bad omen for a child of God to experience such a kind of spiritual attack.

However, that you are here means that the enemy has already perpetrated the evil that they meant to do. You will need to seek the deliverance of God, from your spiritual head, because if you were not able to fight your way out of being tortured in the dream, then coming out of that challenging situation in your life may be a little difficult.


The dream of being tortured meaning also signifies the hardship that the dreamer is or will be going through in the coming days.  When you dream about being tortured and carrying heavy loads, it suggests that the burden of life that you carry is too much, and you can’t help anyone if you keep living life that way.

It has been shown in your dream of being tortured that the reason why your waking life is hard, or is so unbearable,  is because while you were sleeping and keeping your mouth closed about your destiny, the evil ones have been speaking into your destiny or life, and now there is a manifestation of the evil that was spoken.

If you want to have a better life, a life free of hardship, you will need to get over your situation in your mind and begin to speak the word of God into your destiny, step into a life of ease using your mouth, your life can be better than it already is.

However,  if you dream of being tortured and dying, it suggests that you may not come out of whatever challenge that you’re going through, the dream portends death in the waking world, and with your mouth, all things are possible, it can be reversed.


When you dream of being tortured, it may be that you’re portraying your feelings of victimization in your dream. You feel like you have been a victim of some sort of horror that you didn’t get any justice for.

I remember a friend who was sexually abused by her uncle narrated her dream of being tortured to me. In her dream, she saw her family making fun of her while she was being tortured by her uncle in the dream. This dream just speaks volumes about the anger and helplessness she feels because she didn’t receive any justice for her suffering.

Maybe you also have a lot of anger from past trauma that you can’t seem to get off your chest, it’s okay to feel this way, however,  to avoid letting your past suffering eat you up, you must see a therapist or talk to someone, who’ll not only sympathize with you but show you a way out of this pain you feel.

Why Did I Dream About Being Held Captive

To dream about being held captive is a revelation to the dreamer. Till this point, you have been experiencing some disappointments, delays, and hurdles that are so difficult to pass that you end up giving up on the things you were once pursuing, all these things are happening because someone, and somewhere in another realm, you’ve been tied down in on position so that you might make no progress in your life

The universe and your creator love you so much, and he wants you to move forward in life because he created us to live a life of purpose,  and for this sole reason, your predicament, or even that of someone else has been revealed unto you. If you saw someone being held captive, it could be that they’re experiencing some backwardness, or stagnancy, the most common evidence of this is that they become barren.


Whether it’s the fruit of the womb, of it’s being productive in their work or business, it’s very difficult because they’ve been held captive to make no progress. If you see yourself being held captive and tortured in the dream, you would need to be delivered, just like the Israelites were delivered out of Egypt.

Reach out to your spiritual heads to help break you out of captivity, because without your freedom, you cannot do exploits, you’ll be a slave to sin.

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